Der Tod wirft lange Schatten

Original title
Der Tod wirft lange Schatten

Date of publication
2005 Paul Zsolnay Verlag, Wien

Italian (Le lunghe ombre della morte, 2006 Edizioni e/o), Spanish (La larga sombra de la muerte, 2007 Siruela), French (À l’ombre de la mort, 2009 Seuil), Dutch (De lange schaduw van de dood, 2009 De Geus)

On an unusual hot May two events shock Trieste and risk to ruin Commissario Laurenti’s summer. On one hand the discovery of a naked dead body in a solitary valley of the Carso, on the other hand the recovery of a large arsenal of weapons, munitions and documents dated WWII belonging to the period of the German occupation of the city and of the US Government of Trieste. Two apparently unrelated cases which present an unexpected link: Mia, a young Australian girl, daughter of Italian emigrants, who is in Trieste on holiday to solve some questions regarding her old aunt’s estate.

The arsenal’s discovery forces Laurenti to dig into local history. The investigation reopens two cold cases from the Seventy’s: the death of Diego De Henriquez, a local collector who died under mysterious circumstances, and the murder of Perusini, a well known researcher of local traditions.

Laurenti’s initiative brings him in collision with higher interests and so he has to face strong powers which won’t tolerate the interference of a plain provincial police commissioner. Moreover, further complicating the situation, Laurenti doesn’t imagine that one of his cases will lead to his own home.

This novel by Veit Heinichen gives us a historical cross section of Trieste. The writer accompanies the reader among the shadows and spectres still living in the city of Trieste.

"Forget Derrick. Laurenti has another temperament!"
Corrado Premuda - Il Giornale
"Ausführliche Recherchen, eine fundierte historische Kenntnis und der Wille zum politischen Statement zahlen sich aus - der neueste Krimi von Veit Heinichen ist ein großer Roman geworden."
Günther Grosser - Berliner Zeitung
"Lo scrittore [...] regala molto del suo carattere ricco di umor nero, ironico e molti dei suoi piaceri, come quello per l'alta cucina e il buon vino. Fa una mappatura esatta, meticolosa, delle sue descrizioni, di luoghi, strade, locali, siano ristoranti, caffè o alberghi, sul mare, in città e sul Carso"
Diego Zandel - La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno